September Submissions 2019

There’s a nice little blurb after the list of jobs. Also, if you’re feeling generous, reach out to a new person and tell them to save all the links in my Get A Real Job post.

I’ve neglected to mention CSR Nation in the past but it is a great place to look for work. There’s a Facebook job board too.

The Special Narcotics Prosecutor is hiring a grand jury reporter. Every once in a blue moon these temporary jobs become permanent, so don’t let the word temporary stop you from doing something new.

New York courts want court reporters. Even if you didn’t take the civil service exam, you may be able to grab a provisional position with the state. Also, if you are a senior court reporter, you have an opportunity to become a principal court reporter. Qualified? Go for it!

Southern District of New York, United States District Courts, has an opening for a court reporter posted. Also, by my count, the federal judiciary job search has 11 potential court reporter positions open nationwide.

Plaza continues to advertise that it has positions for court reporting instructors.

I do not have a link, but it is my understanding Bloomfield College in New Jersey is seeking a reporting instructor for theory.

That’s all I’ve got for jobs. Now about superpowers:

NCRA President Max Curry sent out an email blast not too long ago, and in it was the line, “Superman is not coming.” The main theme, in my words, is that there is no one person, idea, or even organization that will solve all the problems. We can do well united, but nobody has all of the answers. Everyone reading this has different strengths and superpowers. Everyone has a chance to make a difference.

Mistaken For The Court Reporter

For years, female attorneys and women in the legal field have written articles about or related to how they are mistaken for the court reporter or how they are not assumed to be a judge or lawyer. It happened in 2011. Happened again in 2017, though that article was apparently deleted. The topic hit Forbes in 2018, notably dropping the bit about being mistaken as a court reporter, and rather as court personnel. Then, again, in February 2019, being mistaken for the court reporter became an issue used to describe the blatant and ongoing sexism and illegal discrimination faced by women in law.

This raises plenty of good points on equality and illegal discrimination that women are likely facing in law and employment generally. I’ve previously opined that as independent contractors we all, including women, face fewer protections and greater barriers than employees. Indeed, there are hurdles we have to face in educating people about rates, and business, and getting everyone into a position where they can negotiate for the most amount of money every time. Where do we start?

That brings me to a really nice article and statement by Sharon Velazco. She very diplomatically writes out the importance of a reporter. She explains the talent and dedication needed to build the skills necessary to be a reporter. She sums it all up with something I could not have said better: Who wouldn’t want to be a court reporter? All too often we find ourselves falling into vitriolic attacks against people we disagree with. I find it hurts our cause more than helps. If we could all follow such perfect examples and take the time out to politely educate or inform people when they are wrong, it will make us stronger. It will correct the record. We will make it clear that this is a field that deserves the respect of the people it serves by example.

And by the looks of it, the women in the legal field will want us to be at the top of our game now more than ever. They will be at the forefront of calling out illegal discrimination and setting employment trends that protect employees, and the accuracy of the records we make may very well be a part of that. So thank you to every one of you that works on informing news reporters and legal professionals. You continue to bring ideas to the table and remind us of our own importance to those we serve and the legal process itself.