ESYOH Used to Misrepresent NCRA’s Commissioned Forecast

*The original article assumes ESYOH is a bad actor. See addendum.

Remember when I found the dummy site selling digital court reporting using stenographer imagery? Well, a brave member of the stenographic legion found another.

I’m going to let my previous article, linked at the top, do most of the heavy lifting on how this works. In short, ESYOH links to Ed 2 Go, which is linked to BlueLedge digital court reporting training, which is linked to Veritext. Just in case anyone needs a reminder: The Ducker Report, commissioned by NCRA, and NCRA itself, did not predict that 33,000 digital court reporters would be needed by 2033.

The shortage is being artificially and illegally exaggerated and exacerbated for the purposes of bumping out stenographers and replacing them with digital court reporters. The only way that happens is if we lay down and let it happen.


I reached out to ESYOH and they said they were taking some action. At this time, ESYOH appears to have been used as opposed to willingly deceiving people.

One thought on “ESYOH Used to Misrepresent NCRA’s Commissioned Forecast

  1. Well, it just seems likely because ESYOH does the pages for Ed 2 Go, who is partnered by BlueLedge, who is under Veritext. BlueLedge’s Florida office + CourtReporterEDU’s apparent origination in Florida is what makes me think there’s a link. But I don’t have the money ready to get more yet.

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